You don’t need a computer science degree to choose and use top-notch food delivery software.

As you’ve probably heard, your restaurant delivery service (RDS) can reap incredible benefits from a strong RDS software program. But if you’re new to software—or you’ve had a bad experience in the past—getting started with a new program can be a little daunting.

After all, running an RDS requires careful attention to detail, timing, and service. If one of those things goes wrong, you can have an unhappy customer on your hands. But RDS software can be the key to those things going right.

Today, we’re breaking down 4 common fears about restaurant delivery software to put your mind at ease.

“I have no idea how to build a website.”

We get it: You want to deliver food, not fuss with HTML. That’s why restaurant delivery software comes with customizable website templates. They’re slick, modern, and, most importantly, easy to use. You can customize the look without having to tinker with code.

And you don’t have to worry about connecting a bunch of different systems. Your new website integrates directly with the back-end interface, so you can start taking orders right away. No more manual data transfers or worrying about a mistype messing up your records.

“How will I keep everyone’s menus updated? Do I have to go in and make all those tiny adjustments by hand?”

Restaurants change their menus all the time. They switch out specials, add seasonal items, and release new meals on a regular basis. If you’re working with a bunch of restaurants, tracking all those details can be incredibly stressful. You don’t want to forget an update that might have been really popular with your customers!

Plus, your RDS can face real trouble for this type of oversight. GrubHub got a lot of bad press last year for posting menus that didn’t match what the restaurants actually offered. The result was unhappy restaurants, unhappy customers, and a big hit to their reputation.

Thankfully, good restaurant delivery software can save you from this problem. In fact, you don’t even have to be responsible for making changes. The right platform gives restaurants the power to change their delivery menus themselves. They can switch out menu items, update prices, and make other changes in real time. As a result, they can trust that their menu is always accurate, and you’re not stressing about details.

“How can I keep in touch with my drivers and the restaurants and our customers—while managing the other details of every single order?”

Here’s the thing about restaurant delivery software: It’s designed by people who have done your job. They know all about the frustrations and stressors, and they understand the importance of communication at every step. The result is an intuitive interface with everything you need right at your fingertips.

There’s no clicking back and forth between windows and apps and worrying that you’ll miss a notification. Your chat windows with drivers and restaurants are built directly into the dispatch dashboard. You can see everything you need to see at all times.

“Restaurant delivery software is so expensive—or the pricing is confusing.”

It doesn’t have to be. DataDreamers is committed to highly transparent, easy-to-understand pricing.

Here’s how we do it:

  • When you get started with DataDreamers, you pay a one-time setup fee of $250.
  • Every month, you pay $99 for your DataDreamers subscription.
  • For every order, you pay $0.25.

That’s it. There are no hidden fees or unexpected charges that will throw off your entire budget. Just a consistent pricing model so you can set your own prices accordingly.

Once you feel confident about restaurant delivery software, it can change the game for your RDS. If you’re ready to get started, talk to a pro or schedule a demo, so you can see DataDreamers in action