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Why is Post-COVID Restaurant Delivery Still Going Strong?

Why is Post-COVID Restaurant Delivery Still Going Strong?

Five reasons why restaurant delivery is here to stay, regardless of price. Though experts are saying COVID-19 has become endemic, the days of the pandemic are long behind us. We may have left banana bread and Tiger King largely in the past, but another pillar of those...

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How Nostalgia Can Drive Summer Food Delivery Orders?

How Nostalgia Can Drive Summer Food Delivery Orders?

Boost your restaurant delivery business with a summertime stroll down memory lane. Many of us have strong memories associated with food, especially tied to certain seasons or holidays. Thanksgiving means mashed potatoes. The Fourth of July means hot dogs and...

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Are Profitable Food Delivery Apps Still a Thing?

Are Profitable Food Delivery Apps Still a Thing?

What your RDS can learn from the Big 3—and why profitability is more accessible than you think. At this point, it seems to be fairly common knowledge that the big food delivery companies still aren’t profitable. Some may find this baffling, given the fact that...

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